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5 Massages to Help Men Get-Slim-Quick

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5 Massages to Help Men Get-Slim-Quick

Most people generally link massages to an activity that relieves stress, tension and anxiety. Even though we usually get our body beat up after an orthodox exercise or a bad week at work, massages can also be utilized to deal with excess body fat. Growing from its roots in the traditional Chinese and Thai medicine, there has been significant development in the technique and use of the methodology. Serving as an excellent alternate to steroid-intake and waiting for miracles to happen, Cool Aroma suggests the following massages from our array of Slimming Treatments, to help men Get-Slim-Quick!

Ashiatsu Massage:
An old, traditional Asian technique, the Ashiatsu Massage isn’t very common in Dubai. With only a handful of people knowing what it really is, it is rare that you’ll find an expert to get it done rightly for you. Luckily, Cool Aroma has just the expertise.

The massage aims at inducing pressure on the acupuncture points, using hands or feet. This enhances blood circulation and eliminates toxins, giving new life to the muscles and tissues. This helps the body work on its own to deal with the excess fat that has been put on.

Healing Hilot Massage:
This is an excellent therapy, both for the body and the soul. With an array of different oils and scents, the herbal extracts blend miraculously with the body, ensuring muscle regrowth and self-revitalization. This is an excellent way of waking the body up to the brutal reality of obesity and to put it back into shape with a brilliant toning.

Deep Tissue Massage:
Using an all-round activity routine, the expert plays around with the muscles and tissues of the client. This puts loose muscle and flab back into shape, giving the body an instant rejuvenation. Along with detoxification, the massage is excellent to bring the entire body back into shape, without having you do much on your own.

Thai Massage:
Revolving around some of the orthodox yoga techniques, the Thai Massage brings together some of the gems of Thai medicine to provide the body with a unique set of solutions. In addition to muscle repair and refreshment, the massage also activates fat-burn, draining excess fat while healing stretch marks and tightening loose, hanging skin.

Shaitsu Massage:
Similar to the Ashiatsu Massage, the Shaitsu Massage also targets the acupuncture spots, enhancing blood circulation and draining out the toxins. This helps bring health and refreshment to the organs, increasing internal activity that helps burn fat fast.

In addition to your regular exercise and diet, these massages can do wonders to help you Get-Slim-Quick!

Visit our website for more details.

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

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