Everyone should get a massage from time to time. Whatever your lifestyle, a professional massage is an easy, affordable way to improve mental and physical well-being. Sadly, men have always lagged behind women when it comes to getting massages. A recent survey by the American Massage Therapy Association showed that, in 2018, 21% of women received a massage, compared to just 16% of men. Here are a few reasons why men need to catch up.
1. Relieve sporting injuries
Many men take part in high-intensity physical activities such as weight training, running, and team sports. While these are great for keeping fit, they can have a negative impact on the body. Muscle injuries can develop over time and, if left untreated, can cause a great deal of pain in later life. A sports massage is specially designed to relieve muscle soreness and prevent sporting injuries. Regular massages can also help your circulation, improving your performance and stamina in the future.
2. Prevent desk strain
Millions of men work in offices. Spending hours on end hunched over a computer can put a huge strain on your back and neck, leading to lasting injuries if left untreated. A men’s massage can relieve this tension, allowing you to keep working without your body paying the price.
3. Reduce stress
Modern life is stressful and studies show that men are far less likely to report stress than women. Bottling up these feelings can be disastrous for your mental health, and can also contribute to high blood pressure. Getting a relaxing massage is a great way to ensure that the stress of everyday life doesn’t get the better of you.
4. Improve sleep
Insomnia is a huge problem for men, affecting up to 20% of adult males. An evening massage releases serotonin which improves your mood and helps you to get a good night’s sleep. A relaxing bedtime routine is important for both sexes and men’s massage is an easy way for men to catch up with the ladies when it comes to self-care.
5. Alleviate back pain
Lower back pain is extremely common in men, with around 25% experiencing it in any given month. Massages have been proven to loosen back muscles and reduce pain without the need for surgery.
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
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Call to book: 04 3709706