A study published in Science Translational Medicine in 2012 revealed that a short, 10-minute Swedish-style massage session can reduce inflammation and the time it takes your muscles recover after a hard workout. However, the health benefits of massage extend beyond simply soothing aches and pains. A growing body of evidence suggests that a rubdown is even better for you than you think. The following are some of the many benefits of massage for men:
It Reduces Anxiety and Depression: Massage is not only relaxing, it can reduce anxiety and depression. Massage reduces levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in your body. The result is that your mood is elevated and spirits lifted. Reduction of cortisol has also been shown to lower blood pressure. In addition, massage boosts both serotonin and dopamine in your system, which helps to reduce depression.
It Eases Pain: Most men will experience debilitating back pain at some point in their life. When this happens a massage can help. According to a 2011 study at the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, Washington, massage helped people in pain feel and function much better compared to those who didn’t receive massage therapy. They found that the benefits of massage were as strong as using other treatments like medications, acupuncture, exercise and yoga. Massage also decreases stiffness and pain and provides a better range of motion in people with osteoarthritis.
It Boosts Your Immunity: Multiple studies have linked massage to a better functioning immune system and increased disease-fighting white blood cells. This will help you stay healthy and fight off viruses and diseases.
It Improves Athletic Performance: A 2010 study from Sweden showed that one 80-minute hand-and-foot massage significantly lowered men’s heart rates, cortisol levels and insulin levels, all of which help lower stress. But it also reduced heart rate and high blood pressure and improved athletic performance. Massage can reduce recovery time between exercise bouts and enhance flexibility that may be limited following extensive strength training.
It Improves Sleep: Perhaps you’ve nodded off when getting a massage? This should convince you that massage promotes healthy sleep. A number of studies have shown that massage affects delta waves in the brain that are connected to deep sleep
It Makes You More Alert: Massage can actually boost your brainpower. Studies done at the Touch Research Institute showed that massage recipients who were given even a brief chair massage at work, were more alert and completed a math questionnaire much faster and more accurately than they did without the massage.
It Relieves Headaches: Headaches can also be relieved with massage, just like with muscle and back pain. Regular massages can even reduce the number of migraines people have, and also reduce their intensity, according to WebMD. A 2009 study revealed that a 30-minute massage decreased tension headaches and also reduced the stress and anger associated the headaches.
It Can Improve Your Looks: How does this work you ask? Massage increases blood flow, which plumps up the skin, promotes lymphatic drainage, removes toxins from your cells, and increases a glow and luster in your skin and hair.
It Reduces the Ill Effects of Cancer Treatment: Due to some of the benefits listed above, massage has been shown to be helpful for those undergoing treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses. Massage can relieve the pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue and nausea that these patients often experience.
It Improves Breathing: Massage therapy has been shown to improve deep breathing and can help people with chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma, and Cystic Fibrosis.
For more information about the benefits of massage, massage therapies, or to book an appointment, call CoolAroma Gentlemen’s Spa at +971 4 370 9706, or visit us on the web at: https://www.coolaromaspa.com//
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
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