You may think that the sole purpose of getting a massage is relaxation, while this is true to an extent, there are serious benefits to getting massages for after workouts too. Here are our top three reasons for men to get massage therapy after workouts.
1. Better recovery
Your muscles need the right balance of work and rest if they are going to build effectively. With constant exercise, th...
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Chronic back pain affects too many people across Dubai and beyond and usually results from heavy labour, poor posture, or even just a lack of exercise over time. This can seriously get in the way of work or even just your daily routine.
Massage therapy for back pain (chronic or acute) is a relatively simple fix that can go a long way towards helping your back return to nor...
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Taking care of the skin has long been seen as an activity only women need to worry about. In fact, only 59% of men aged 18-24 think they need to look after their skin.
Although men have 2.5% thicker skin than women, external factors can cause harm to the barrier. If you live in a hot ...
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With the new year soon approaching, now is a great time to set yourself up for success, and a core part of that is feeling good. A deep tissue massage can help with this, easing any tension from the year past and getting your body strong and ready for the year to come. That's why we recommend every man in Dubai get a stressbuster massage treatment with a deep tissue massage.
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