No matter how old you are, a massage can provide you with some much-needed downtime. While the majority of people only associate massages with stress relief, there are so many more rewards than that. From anger and depression to anxiety, a massage can help flush out waste products from your body and increase your levels of dopamine and endorphins (also known as ‘happy hormones’). Read on to find out what the experts say about massage treatments for anxiety.
Massage therapy for stress relief and anxiety
Putting the relaxation benefits from a massage to one side, “Massage therapy can improve a person’s emotional health by reducing stress and stress hormones,” says Dr. Tiffany Field, Director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine. They do this “by increasing serotonin and thereby reducing depression and pain; and by enhancing immune function and thereby reducing bacterial and viral illnesses.”
In turn, the release of ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin can dramatically help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, leaving you feeling balanced and centred.
Other benefits of massage on the body
Massages ease pain in those who have advanced cancer: Having six 30-minute long massages over a two-week period could improve mood and ease pain in people who have advanced level cancer.
They are helpful for trauma victims: Whether it’s trauma from the past or present, memories of these events are often held in muscle tissues. A massage by a trained professional can help clients unlock any pent up emotions.
Shiatsu massage for anxiety
Here at Cool Aroma Spa, we offer the Shiatsu massage, which is great for people who want to relieve stress, depression and anxiety. It’s a Japanese type of massage that promotes physical and emotional calm.
A massage is great for your physical health and emotional well-being, so don’t be reluctant to indulge in a therapeutic massage for men every so often.
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706