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A Well-Groomed Groom Is What Your Bride and Others Expect To See On Your Wedding Day.
If you want to look and feel your best on your wedding day, and for all the days to come in your wedded life, the following are some of the treatments you should schedule on a regular basis. Body-Slimming Massages In addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising daily, you can lose weight, without the ugly stretch marks that can appear, by having regular Body-Slimming Massages. After you lose weight, your deep tissues require the stimulation of a massage.  Massage helps to tighten yo... Continue Reading

Male-to-Male Massage in Dubai

Written by: vivek gusani | March 22, 2014
Male-to-Male Massage in Dubai
Gentlemen, if you want a real stress-relieving massage then ask for a male massage therapist. Stress, tense muscles and the need to relax are all good reasons to have a massage. And for the discriminating man in Dubai, a deep-tissue massage by a male massage therapist is just what is needed. Although the majority of massage therapists are women, male massage therapists are in high demand.  Why is this? The most commo... Continue Reading

Grooming Services

Written by: vivek gusani | March 15, 2014
Grooming Services
The Road To Success Includes a Trip To Our Gentlemen’s Spa. Men in Dubai are committing to a more polished, professional look in order to succeed in today’s business world.  They want to portray an image that says they are worthy of doing business with. They know that a well-groomed appearance will make a difference in the overall image they project. Just like a “picture speaks a thousand words,” a well-groomed appearanc... Continue Reading

A Hammam Is a Cleansing and Rejuvenating Experience. Just What You Need To End Your Busy Week.
A Hammam is a sacred cleansing ritual in Moroccan culture.  Men visit their local Hammam once a week to de-stress, linger in a cleansing environment, and catch up with friends. A Hammam is much like what the ancient Romans experienced when they frequented their “baths.”  Or like men from the UK or America do today when they de-stress in the the steam rooms at their health clubs. At Cool Aroma, a Hammam is a retreat from daily stresses... Continue Reading

Anti-Aging Facials

Written by: vivek gusani | February 14, 2014
Anti-Aging Facials
Men don’t always age gracefully. The skin on your face can make you look older than you are. The good news is that our Anti-Aging Facial will erase the years. If you are like most men, you want a firm, young-looking complexion. But you don’t want to undergo invasive surgery or painful laser treatments.  If you believe your complexion is making you look older than you are, or you just want a brighter, more youthful appearance, an Anti-Aging Facial from Cool Aroma is the answer. Men t... Continue Reading

Cool Aroma’s spa packages are designed to provide the luxury and attention you deserve. We provide a number of treatments you can select from. They are enjoyable and when combined in our packages, very economical. An increase in blood circulation, Relaxes hands/feet, and Therapeutically reduces any finger/toe joint stiffness. This is our ultimate treatment for feet and toenails. First your feet will be soaked in
an aromatic footbath of warm water containing our special solu... Continue Reading

A Hammam/Moroccan Bath At Cool Aroma Spa Is  Cleansing, Invigorating & Discreet.
The Hammam is a very important part of Moroccan life.  Men, women and even children visit their local Hammam at least once a week to spend two or three hours chatting with friends, and lingering in this cleansing ritual until their skin glows. Men and women bathe separately of course, but they go with friends or family to chat and socialize, and even to help each other with the ritual. However at Cool Aroma Spa Gentleman’s Spa our Hammam/Moroccan Bath is totally private.  The Hammam/Moroccan Bath at Cool Aroma is a way ... Continue Reading

More Men Are Getting Pedicures in Dubai
Today as men are paying closer attention to their looks, more of them are coming to Cool Aroma Gentlemen’s Spa to have regular pedicures. Gone are the days when only women in Dubai had pedicures.  Now, more men are coming to Cool Aroma than ever before to have their feet and toe nails professionally groomed. A pedicure with a soothing foot treatment is a wonderful, relaxing treat. During a pedicure at Cool Aroma your feet are immersed into a soothing, warm aromatic footbath that contains a solution of soaps, oils and min... Continue Reading

Get the healing touch with Healing-Hilot Massage!
The competitive and fast pace life throws varied kinds for stressors on everyone – whether it is increase in working hours, high demand on quality of work, pressure to manage relationship with unfriendly people or simply waking at early hours in the morning just to reach office on time, especially when you advocate beauty sleep. Stress is packed in all small and big things in life but it is not always a bad thing. However, stress creates hiccups in life when demands of life weigh above once capacity to cope with the incre... Continue Reading

Say goodbye to dry skin

Written by: vivek gusani | January 27, 2013
Say goodbye to dry skin
Winter is the one season where we need to devote extra time to take better care of our skin. The weather can be so harsh and strong and the skin has to adapt to withstand adverse climatic conditions like fog, cold winds, mist etc. We need to do everything possible to winter-proof our skin to avoid damage not just for this season but in the future as well. If you are witnessing dry skin, white patches, irritations, itching on your face, then wintry weather can be one of the many reasons behind this. With cold weather, our skin ... Continue Reading

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How Massage Therapy Can Help Improve Your Fitness Game

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Are you dedicated to your fitness schedule? Whether you love running or hi...

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Shop 14,Al Nasr Plaza, Oud Metha, Dubai.

Phone : 04 370 970 6
