A massage can be a way to relieve stress and anxiety, but did you know about the role of foot reflexology massage in relieving stress and anxiety? We take a look at how you can use reflexology to relieve stress with the help of the best reflexology foot massage in Dubai.
Where we hold stress
You may notice that you feel like your shoulders are tense from time to time, or that your back might ache. However, you can carry tension in unexpected parts of your body, and your feet have over seven thousand nerve endings which are connected to the rest of your body – so you can carry a huge amount of tension in your feet. Carrying stress in your feet might be difficult to remedy – and this is where reflexology comes in.
The benefits of foot reflexology
Reflexology as a therapy is when a therapist will exercise gentle pressure on certain points across your feet. Sometimes they will also work on your hands or your ears. This can help to release the stress that you are holding in your body, connecting spots outside to those inside. This is thought to support easing anxiety and pain.
Where should the focus be?
When you come for a foot reflexology massage at Cool Aroma Gentlemen’s Spa in Dubai, you might wonder where your therapist should focus. You may feel your therapist pressing their thumb against the middle of your big toe, stimulating your pituitary gland. They will also rub their thumb on the inside of your foot under your big toe, pressing down to stimulate your adrenal reflexes. This releases cortisol, which helps you respond to stress in a calmer way, lowering your anxiety.As you can see, there are so many benefits of foot reflexology for stress. If you are looking for the best foot reflexology massage for men in Dubai, then get in touch with us to book in through our contact form.
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706