A typical massage technique is a mix of nourishing, aromatic oils and manipulation of the soft tissues of the body through gentle and intensive strokes. Latest research shows that incorporating a regular massage in your wellness routine has multiple benefits. Read on to know how your body responds to regular massages and why you should get them.
Relieves stress: The most important benefit of regular massages is stress-relief. Massages promote the reduction of stress hormones and encourage relaxation of both the mind and body.
Increase feel-good hormones: Regular massages ensure regular physical touch which is directly proportional to increase of feel-good hormones like Oxytocin. This helps one leave the massage table in a relaxed and happy state of mind.
Pain management: Regular massage therapy helps reduce chronic pain by improving blood circulation, and gently loosening blockages in target areas. It is a good way to heal aching muscles and relieve constant pain.
Loosens tightness: Stress related tightness occurs in areas like the head, shoulders, and neck. It is also believed that the body stores the most negative emotions and triggers in these areas. Regular massages clear these blockages and keep the body charged with positive energy.
Fights stress Insomnia: Regular massages positively impact stress by encouraging relaxation and deep sleep. This particularly helps those struggling with stress and anxiety related to insomnia.
Muscle soreness: Regular massages restore sore and inflamed muscles by promoting healthy blood circulation- thus accelerating recovery and healing.
While these are popularly known benefits of massages, it is important to first consult with your therapist about which massage is best suited for you and how regularly you should get one to get the most out of it. Also, it is very important to let your therapist know if you are uncomfortable, in pain, or unsure about the techniques they may be using. Do not be afraid to stop the massage mid-way if you need to mention something. The more you communicate with your therapist, the better your results.
If you want to add regular massages to your wellness routine, book your appointment with Cool Aroma Spa and reap the benefits of relaxing massages.
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706