The Dos and Don’ts of Getting a Massage For the First Time

Entering the world of massage can be intimidating for anyone who hasn’t had a professional massage before. Perhaps you’ve received a gift certificate, sustained an injury, or decided that it’s time to take the plunge and have the experience – either way, it can be especially daunting for men. 

To make your first-time experience a fruitful one, we’ve listed out a bunch of Dos and Don’ts of getting a massage for the first time.


Take a shower beforehand

Masseuses are getting up close and personal with clients all day and for their sake, it’s important you are clean and well kept before arrival. This makes the experience more enjoyable for both of you – no-one wants to be rubbing you down straight from the gym!

Undress to the level you feel comfortable

Most masseuses will say this to you regardless, but it’s important to know that you won’t be judged for keeping your underwear on or taking them off. Remember they work with undressed humans all day every day and there’s nothing so strange or different about you that they won’t have seen it before!


Is there something you don’t like, or a pre-existing injury you may have? Best to just let your masseuse know. Worst case scenario, pre-existing injuries can be made worse by a massage if the masseuse doesn’t know its there. Alternatively, maybe you’ve just got ticklish feet and don’t want them being touched. A massage is all about your relaxation, so there’s no shame in explaining what is and is not relaxing for you.


Force yourself through it. 

When you’ve paid for an experience, it can feel as if you have to endure the whole thing. However, taking breaks during a massage is perfectly acceptable, whether it’s to run to the toilet or allow any feelings of arousal to disperse. Again, your masseuse wants you to be relaxed and enjoy yourself.

Make lewd or inappropriate jokes and comments

It’s just a no-no. At best, it won’t land well and at worst you might find yourself barred from the establishment! 

There are plenty more things to look forward to when booking a massage than there are things to worry about. Don’t hesitate to dive into the world of massaging today – contact Cool Aroma Spa and book yourself in for a liberating and health-restoring experience!

Here’s Why More Men Should Be Getting Manicures & Pedicures in Dubai

Almost every woman knows the many benefits of a manicure and pedicure. But including boosting self-esteem, giving an air of professionalism, providing neat hands, feet and nails, a manicure and pedicure is also great for men for a number of reasons.

  1. Improve your handshake

As a professional man, your handshake is a crucial introduction to who you are. 

Firm and respectable aren’t the only things people look for. If your hands are rough as sandpaper with dirty, and chipped nails, you are more likely to leave a poor impression.  

A simple manicure will have a hugely positive impact on the condition and quality of your hands.

  1. Boost athletic performance

If you’re always in the gym, going running, and working out, your feet can be severely affected by being inside trainers all the time. By having semi-regular pedicures, you can keep your feet in tip-top condition and avoid a plethora of problems associated with poor feet hygiene such as athlete’s foot, smelly feet and cracked skin. Even high profile athletes including LeBron James have pedicures to stay at the top of their game!

  1. Break bad habits

Bad habits such as biting nails, picking skin, and scratching have a cumulative effect on the look of your hands. Bad habits such as these can give the impression of high-levels of stress, which may impact your efforts to charm potential dates or even impress at job interviews!

  1. Maintain great skin

Ultimately, there’s nothing more rewarding than having great skin. Smooth, soft, supple skin is hugely rewarding in its own right, as well as with all the other benefits that come with a manicure and pedicure. Keeping your nail beds in great condition pays off dividends, and regularly pampered hands resist the effects of ageing.

As demonstrated, there are plenty of reasons why more men should be getting manicures and pedicures in Dubai. 

Why hesitate? Book yourself in for a men’s manicure and pedicure in Dubai.

Now Might Be the Best Time for a Moroccan Bath – Read About Its Summer Benefits

All year round in Dubai, the hot and dry weather can take a toll on your skin. However, in the summer, these effects become particularly pronounced. 

Common ailments you may find yourself suffering from during the sweltering Dubai summers include heat rashes, dehydration, tanning, and spots/pimples. 

Men, in particular, may find that they are less inclined to seek remedies for these issues, as skincare can be seen as a feminine pastime, but this would be wrong. Your skin is the biggest organ in your body and should be looked after as such. 

The benefits of a Moroccan Bath are multiple, and will greatly aid your skin over the summer months. Below, we will demonstrate how those common summer skin issues can be solved with a Moroccan Bath.

Heat rashes

Painful, unattractive and a constant source of pain, heat rashes are caused by sweaty skin clogged with dust and dirt trapping perspiration. During a Moroccan Bath, the first stage is to be covered in a smooth Moroccan soap gently applied all over the body before relaxing in a steamy bath to remove it. This opens and cleans pores, removing the cause of heat rash at the root. 


Of course, skin dehydration can be managed throughout the day by drinking the recommended amount of water. However, with such tough environmental factors to contend with, this may not be enough for your skin. A Moroccan Bath will rehydrate and moisturise your skin, giving it the resilience it needs to survive the summer. 


While a tan can be a great confidence booster and is often desirable, long-term it can have a damaging effect on your skin. The exfoliation process of the Moroccan Bath removes any dry or flaky skin which can be exacerbated by tanning, leaving you with a golden dewy glow!

Spots and pimples

Similar to heat rash, spots and pimples are caused by a buildup of dirt in pores beneath the skin, made worse by dry summer weather. Every stage of the Moroccan Bath deeply cleanses your skin, from the gentle soap to the exfoliation process, preventing spots from coming through before they’ve even begun. 

As you can see, there are many benefits to the Moroccan Bath Dubai loves for its skin healing properties. 

Don’t delay, book a Moroccan Bath in Dubai at Coolaroma Spa.

This 4-Hands Massage For Men Is The Ultimate Stress Buster

Are you tense in the shoulders and clenching your fists? Are you pulling your hair out and biting your nails due to the stresses of your day-to-day life? The modern man has plenty to worry about, be it business or personal, but with some relaxation and a massage, you will be soothed and stress-free in no time at all. 

One of the most relaxing massages that we recommend for men is the 4-Hands Massage called Lomi-Lomi.

What is a Lomi-Lomi massage?

The Lomi Lomi massage is an exotic Hawaiian massage that combines the worlds of art and science to create inner balance and relaxation. Often recommended for men suffering from muscle pain, poor blood circulation and insomnia, the massage helps rejuvenate the body. 

Focusing on the back, shoulders, stomach, head and arms, a Lomi-Lomi massage uses mild strokes to release stress from both your body and mind, bringing equilibrium and clear thinking. Using aromatic oils to moisturise the body, it soothes and repairs tired skin.

Why choose this massage for men?

Stress can cause a wide range of ailments, so it is important to tackle the root cause as regularly as possible. Stress can lead to insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, poor digestion and much more. You may have ailments you didn’t even know were caused by stress. By investing in a Lomi-Lomi massage, you will see the benefits straight away. 

Not only is Lomi Lomi an excellent stress-buster, but part of the massage is also performed on the stomach. This can aid digestion as well as stimulating and conditioning the stomach muscles, improving your physique. 

By using four hands, the massage can be performed on the back, shoulders, and stomach simultaneously. This overwhelming sensation of relaxation has twice the stress relieving properties of the massage when performed with two hands, removing feelings of anxiety and worry. 

Call Cool Aroma Spa today and book yourself in for a relaxing, and rejuvenating experience.

Choose from our Business Bay or Oud Metha branch for your appointment. Call 04 3709706 or book online. .

A Gentleman’s Guide to Getting A Facial

Facial treatments can have a transformative effect on your skin, as well as having anti-aging effects. If you’ve never had the experience of a spa facial for men, let us provide you with a gentleman’s guide to getting a facial.

  1. How to prepare

Do your normal skincare routine the morning of the facial. Anything extra will not be representative of your normal skin and the esthetician will not be able to provide an accurate treatment for you. 

Shave on the morning of the appointment as well – any stubble or hair on the face and neck will mean the skin cannot be treated properly. If you have a full beard and don’t want to lose it, don’t worry as the esthetician will just work around these areas.

Finally, ensure you do not exfoliate up to four days before your appointment as you do not want your skin to be too sensitive during the treatment.

  1. During the facial treatment

As this is a pampering experience intended to make you feel good as well as improve your skin, expect a relaxing environment. The esthetician will ask you questions about your skin care routine and you should answer honestly, as they use this information to tailor your facial to your unique skin. 

Consider bringing the products you use on a daily basis with you for recommendations on what you should and should not be using. Don’t be afraid to mention any problems you have with your skin – with their expertise, your esthetician should be able to tailor a treatment for you which takes into account your skincare woes.

  1. Repeat for the best effect

A facial shouldn’t be a one-off experience. For the best effect, you should return between every three to six weeks to keep your skin looking in its best condition. Seasonal changes can also impact the skin, and it is recommended that you return for a fresh facial treatment at the turn of the season. 

There are plenty of reasons facials are just as much for men as they are women, and the amazing effect they have on skin has to be seen to be believed. What are you waiting for? Book yourself a pampering facial today!

Choose from our Business Bay or Oud Metha branch for your appointment. Call 04 3709706 or book online.

Waxing vs. Shaving – What’s The Better Option For Men?

When it comes to hair removal, the two main methods are waxing and shaving. However, choosing between the two can be tricky if you don’t know the first thing about ridding yourself of those unwanted follicles.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a quick look at why shaving isn’t always the right option.

Why shaving isn’t always the right option

Shaving has, for thousands of years, been the traditional way to remove hair from the body. All that was required was a sharp blade, and a rudimentary shave could be carried out at almost any time, any place. However, given what we now know about shaving, it’s clear that it is no longer the best option if you want to remove hair while also protecting your skin.

Did you know that shaving can irritate your skin, and can actually cause long-term damage? Skin is incredibly sensitive and needs to be treated with respect; shaving can cause bumps, blisters and can even result in pimples and rashes. Each time you shave a layer of skin is removed, and if this is done too frequently it can take away protective layers that build up to ensure the skin isn’t damaged. When skin becomes damaged it is far more prone to infection, and this is obviously something that should be avoided.

So, why is waxing for men a better alternative?

  1. Waxing lasts longer

Because waxing pulls the hair directly from the root, it takes longer for the hair to grow back. This means the hairless area remains smoother for longer. 

  1. Makes the hair grow slower and smoother

For many people, waxing can actually make the hair that grows back smoother and silkier. 

  1. Fast and convenient

Waxing for men, when done by a professional, can be far faster than shaving. As well as that, it also tends to leave a much smoother and consistent result across the chosen area.

  1. Skin is less susceptible to irritation 

With shaving, skin can become irritated very quickly; this makes sense given that shaving involves moving blades across your skin, which is hardly the most gentle of experiences! Waxing stings at first, but skin heals much faster.

  1. No stubble

One of the most irritating parts of shaving is that it’s almost impossible to remove all of the hair, meaning that there tends to be stubble. This can be annoying, and can sometimes be painful.

If you’re after a quick fix that gets the job done, then shaving is probably for you. However, if you’re looking for a method of hair removal that is delicate on sensitive skin and provides long-term benefits, you should be considering waxing every single time. 

Contact Cool Aroma today for more information about waxing for men in Dubai

Choose from our Business Bay or Oud Metha branch for your appointment.

Call 04 3709706 or book online

3 tips to have the best aromatherapy massage in Dubai for men

The benefits of a leisurely, relaxing massage are well-known: from increased blood flow to improved well-being, massage is one of the few things in life which is both pleasurable and good for you!

Adding an additional dimension to traditional massage, an aromatherapy massage involves the use of essential oils, usually blended and added to a carrier oil.

Essential oils have been scientifically proven to contain active ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. A massage with essential oils provides added healing and well-being advantages.

Aromatherapy for men can be enjoyed in a number of different ways. If you’ve decided on an aromatherapy massage, follow our top three tips to make sure the experience is as good as it can be.

  1. Choose your spa with care

Check in advance that your massage will be performed by a fully trained, qualified and experienced aromatherapy massage therapist. They will have the skill not only to massage you correctly, but also to come up with a blend of essential oils which can be tailored to meet your individual needs.

  1. Communicate with your therapist

If you find a part of the massage uncomfortable, or conversely want additional attention paid to a particularly stiff neck or aching shoulder, tell your therapist! Communicating effectively with your therapist enables them to tailor the massage so that you end up getting the most from it.

  1. Leave the world behind

One of the benefits of a massage is being able to do nothing for a little while! Hectic 21st century lifestyles mean that true downtime is rare. Make the most of your massage by leaving your screens behind. Switch off your phone and empty your mind. Many spas play tranquil music during massages; if you have a particular favourite, why not ask for it as part of your massage experience?

Regular aromatherapy massages for men can make a noticeable difference to continued mental and physical well-being. If you want peace and relaxation, which an aromatherapy massage can offer, get in touch and let us book you a session with one of our therapists.

A 101 guide on Balinese massage for men

The old saying goes that your body is a temple. But sometimes, our temple can start to feel sluggish, tense and experience a whole host of different pain. When this happens, the worst thing you can do is ignore it and try to carry on with life in discomfort.

Understanding the types of treatments available to you to relieve tension, stress and muscle pain is key to ensuring that you look after your body as best as you can. Undergoing a deep tissue massage treatment, such as a Balinese massage, may well be the best course of action for you. A Balinese massage essentially allows clients to reestablish the harmony between their mind and their body through gentle muscle stimulation, aromatherapy oils and reflexology.

What is a Balinese massage?

A Balinese massage is an experience like no other- a holistic, full-body massage that envelops deep into tissue and muscle. Originating from the Indonesian province of Bali, the Balinese massage combines gentle acupressure with aromatherapy and reflexology and is used as a means of improving circulation, treating muscle pain and alleviating the effects of anxiety and depression.

Deep tissue stimulation fixes damaged tissue and relieves pain within the joints and muscles. Gentle reflexological stretches enhance the client’s flexibility while acupressure techniques relieve tension and release built-up energy within the body. The massage targets the whole body from head to toe and areas that are yet to be massaged are covered to preserve energy.

How can a Balinese massage help me?

Renowned for being an effective treatment for those suffering from anxiety, stress and depression, Balinese massages are also effective as far as ailments such as migraines and sleeping difficulties are concerned.

Acupressure, an ancient technique that soothes pain and rebalances energy around the body, allows for a calming procedure that, when combined with aromatherapy oils, can have a positive effect on the mind and on the respiratory system. In combination, the practice leaves customers feeling relaxed, calm and ready to face the day head-on, without any discomfort or unwanted pain.

Massage therapists use specific oils for each area of the body, including vegetable oils such as jojoba, sesame and coconut oil. Ylang-ylang and rose oils are used as scented essential oils. Part of the appeal of a Balinese massage is that some of the oils, more specifically frangipani essential oils, can only be found on the island of Bali itself – they are very rare oils that have the reputation for boosting the mood.

Do you want to find yourself back on the road to energised and peaceful living? 

Why a Moroccan bath is a must in Dubai summers

The Moroccan bath or ‘Hammam’ is a traditional ritual that has become a staple of Dubai and Middle Eastern culture, and for good reason.
The experience is incredibly relaxing and enjoyable, and there are many health benefits associated with it, most of which are particularly helpful during those scorching Dubai summers.
The relentless sun can dry out the skin, and damage its natural moisture barrier. This can result in irritation, lost elasticity and even premature ageing.

Here’s why a Moroccan bath is essential in Dubai summers:

Improving your skin’s health

Exfoliating and hydrating the skin is one of the most effective things you can do to improve its health after a day under the harsh rays of the Dubai sun. You will get a warm and delightfully rough exfoliation during a Moroccan bath, scrubbing away dead cells with special exfoliating mitts and a rub treatment. And with the milk and honey baths, your skin will be instantly drenched with nourishing moisture to help your skin feel light, soft and silky smooth.

Finally, with a bit of massage therapy, any tension you are carrying in your muscles will be released. And the combination of washing, exfoliating, hydrating and massaging your body will fend off the potential for premature ageing that can be caused by intense sunlight. Maintain your youthful vibrancy and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


Straight up, they are extremely relaxing. Soaking up the steam as you enjoy the rich scent of the products gives a profound sense of calm, and the deep cleanse and exfoliation will make your skin and muscles feel divine. Relaxation of the body and mind is important for eliminating stress and lowering cortisol, and a Moroccan bath delivers on all fronts.

That deep cleanse is reason enough in itself. You’ll never experience cleanliness that matches the feeling after a Moroccan bath; you’ll be scrubbed thoroughly so that every pore on your body feels cleansed and refreshed. The rubbing and scrubbing has a positive effect on your circulation, which helps the body detoxify and heal quickly. This is perfect for promoting your body’s natural defenses against the damage from the Dubai sun.

At Cool Aroma Spa for men, we offer the Moroccan bath Dubai is known for, enabling men to enjoy all the benefits for their body and mind.

Complete Guide To Nail Care for Men in Dubai

Men who take great pride in their personal grooming, choice of clothes and general appearance, sometimes forget the importance of taking care of their nails. Many men think that nail care is time-consuming and expensive, but this simply isn’t true.

Your nails are always on show and can help to make a positive first impression when meeting someone new.

Below we share our quick nail care guide for men –

  1. Give your nails a good clean

When wanting to take care of your nails, the first step should be to ensure that they are kept clean. Using a nail brush when in the shower is a great way to remove any loose dirt. Keep the brush somewhere you can see it, so that it becomes part of your daily routine. Once out of the shower you can then apply a nourishing hand cream to keep the skin around your nails soft.

  1. Trim those nails

After cleaning your nails it is important that your nails are regularly trimmed. This will prevent your nails from breaking or snagging. Be sure not to cut into the nail bed, the pink part, and only cut the white. Invest in a good pair of nail scissors or clippers which will make the job much easier.

  1. Use a nail file

Once you have cut your nails, you then need to use a nail file to make sure that your nails are smooth. It’s quick to do and will stop your nails from snagging on clothing or ripping which can damage the nail bed.

  1. Look after your cuticles

Many men forget about cuticle care. The cuticle is the skin at the bottom of the nail bed. This needs to be pushed back, which not only improves the appearance of the nail, but will help to create a healthier nail. Always use a blunt nail tool and after showering, as the skin will be softer.

  1. Get a monthly manicure

A monthly manicure is great for keeping on top of your nail care and will make your job much easier. A manicure will involve cuticle care, meaning you won’t need to do this at home. You can also have a protective coating applied to your nails to make them stronger and less prone to breaking.

View our manicure services for men 

Call us on 04 420 3344 to book an appointment today.