Many of us look forward to a relaxing massage. That time to relax and unwind from the stress and strain of everyday life. Although massages can provide us with this kind of relaxation, massage in the form of back therapy has different properties, relieving and preventing pain from an injury. Below we explore why back therapy for men is completely different from having a regular massage and the benefits it brings.
What is back therapy?
Back therapy for men in the form of a full back massage can help to reduce pain in the muscles and joints. Back therapy is about treating pain and helping you to avoid pain in the future.
A full back massage targets the entire back, from shoulders down the spine to the lower back. The massage will involve both deep tissue massage, kneading and lighter pressure to target muscles that are located in the back, neck and shoulders.
Why have back therapy?
Back therapy for men not only targets pain, but it can help to prevent it. Something that is not achieved with regular massage. Another huge benefit of back therapy, that cannot be achieved with other types of massages, is that of improved posture due to treating any issues with disc or spinal problems. This type of back therapy also creates blood circulation that penetrates deep into the muscles. This can help in the treatment of any stiff or sore muscles while reducing inflammation.
Why it is different?
Back therapy for men is different than other massages, as it is used as a long term treatment for aches and pains. It is particularly useful for men who suffer from long term back problems as it can help you to be more mobile and flexible. This type of deep tissue massage also helps with boosting energy levels. When you are pain-free, you are more able to get on with everyday activities. This is why many men opt to have regular full-back massages.
If you would like to have a back massage to help with any back issues, such as muscle pain, then please do get in touch with us at Coolaroma The Spa for Men and we will help advise you on the best type of back therapy for your needs.
Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai.
Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706